__12 November 2012

__4 more views form half past 3 to beat the webstibe I don't even write on

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tracking, Safely and Analytics

If you didn't know that every time you go on this website, The owner and/or admin can see what country your viewing the website on from and what city you live in.
If you get a message on your broswer ( on Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 9 or Firefox) like 'twitter.com like track your loction' that means the person behind twitter.com is try-ing track exctit where you are in private like your house.
Some website and apps like Google Maps is trusted by over a millon users but some website can't be trusted. I will never ask for loction. The closely will ever see your loction is your city but don't nomal. Letting a ramdom website and apps your Loction is like telling a stanger your address and where you are going.
Below is the retult send by Google Analytics.(7th Novmeber 2012)

Browers: Surpising-ly 31% of reader use Chrome follow closly by 28% of reader using Internet Explorer, 22% Firefox and 9% Safari.
OS: As I guess 79% use Windows. I was stock to see 2% of reader use Apple's Mac. Talking of Apple, 8% use iOS and 3% Android
Countries: This webstie targeted for the UK which I think make other internet users leave this website. I thinking of changing the name as I write this. Maps is below

The Darkish green is the where most the audience. Light Green less audience
WOW!!! I just wasted over a over 1 hour of life but might of save years of your life.

Comment, Share and Bye. See ya


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