__12 November 2012

__4 more views form half past 3 to beat the webstibe I don't even write on

Sunday, October 28, 2012

What's EE ? I'm on T-Mobile Orange ? What's LTE ?

Before you go complaining to your local T-Mobile store, if I said then are moving on to a 4G network fives faster then Three's (the mobile network) 3G. Who said Pink and and Orange don't go together.

4GEE-LTE is the offical name or the super-fast network. I will explan it so non-4Geek can understand


EE stand for Everything Everywhere. EE is T-Mobile and Orange together. EE is NOT 4G, it's a 2G,3G and 4G network like T-Mobile, Orange, Three, Vofone, Virgin ect. but

4G is the fourth g much much MUCH more faster than 3G. 3G at it's fastest is about 2,000kbps (Only if you got four/full bars,strong singal and very lucky) 4G on averge is 300,000,000kbps. THAT'S 300 MEGABITES PER SECOUND. That will take about a mirco-second to load this website

LTE stands Long Term Evolution technicaly 4G. New-er phone on many moblie provider are 4G ready but on EE, phones like the Samsung Galaxy Note II LTE, SII lTE and the iPhone 5 are 4G-enabled
Check out the epic phones at http://ee.co.uk/#section-digital-life

If you got any question leave a comment or if you know a fact or two I didn't write here than click 'Write on this blog' at the top bar.


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