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Friday, May 11, 2012

Minecraft notches 50m downloads

I recently be playing a game (alot) called Minecraft 

With 50 million registered players and a hardcore community, Minecraft is one of indie gaming's most astonishing and important success stories.

Originally released on the PC in 2009 as a working project, the title has been evolving ever since, adding new features, rules and modes and now a console conversion. Along the way, it has quietly become such a vital cultural force it even has its own Lego set. Which, if you know anything about Minecraft, is a delicious irony.
If, however, you still don't anything about Minecraft (wha... what?!), imagine a Lego set crossed with a resource management simulation. That is basically it. When you start a game, the engine builds a vast landscape via procedural generation, meaning no two worlds are the same. You're now free to explore this blocky Eden, climbing its mountains, strolling along beaches and staring up at the slabs of white cloud that float past like cubist spacecraft... Read more at


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