__12 November 2012

__4 more views form half past 3 to beat the webstibe I don't even write on

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wikipedia Blackout, yesturday


The blackout, which started at 5am yesterday, was organised as a protest against two Bills aimed at stopping copyright infringement currently working their way through the US government but it was saw in the UK
Campaigners say the Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa) and Protect Intellectual Property Act (Pipa), aimed at stopping copyright infringement by foreign websites, would actually disrupt free expression and harm the internet.
The English Wikipedia was blacked out for 24 hours. Readers who came to it could not read the free editable encyclopaedia, but instead were shown messages about Sopa and Pipa and encouraged to contact their representatives to speak out against the Bills.
Jimmy Wales
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales
And today the website sported a "thank you" banner at the top of its page, with organisers claiming more than 162 million people had seen the blackout.


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