__12 November 2012

__4 more views form half past 3 to beat the webstibe I don't even write on

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Download Wednesday

I will be going to Cork,Ireland this week and I am going to see my cousin what I not saw for two years and a half. He was 4 or 5 year old and now he is 7 YEAR OLD.(so him have grown)

Let get on with this and download the video

Monday, July 25, 2011

Car 2

Yesterday I watch Cars 2 in 3D
Yes that the logo I don't was tell was happen because you got to watch yourself but what the video game going to be like. Tell later

Saturday, July 23, 2011

First Post

Hello, I has been talking about The Big Blog Swap This the first blog Credit go to ______ (He don't want him name posted) and me, Ayo99. If you don't the name is Ayo99 Games Info. On my blog I like to do a subject every mouth or less, base on new game coming out. August is Car and Racing Games

UPDATE 12 NOVEMBER: As you can see the blog/website change alot in the last year